江宁:Grad-Caflisch type decay estimates of pseudo-inverse of linearized Boltzmann operator and application to Hilbert expansion of compressible Euler scaling-合肥工业大学
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江宁:Grad-Caflisch type decay estimates of pseudo-inverse of linearized Boltzmann operator and application to Hilbert expansion of compressible Euler scaling



报告平台:腾讯会议 ID:541 450 744

:江宁 教授




we prove some Grad-Caflisch type decay estimates of the pseudo-inverse of linearized Boltzmann collision operator,including both the hard potential ($0 \leq \gamma \leq 1$) and part of soft ($- \frac{3}{2} < \gamma < 0$) potential cutoff interaction kernels. The key idea is that the weighted $L^\infty$-norms of $( \L - \nu ) f$ are first dominated by the weighted $L^2$-norms of $f$, and then the $L^2$-norms are bounded by the $L^\infty$-norms of $\L f$ via the hypocoercivity of the weighted operator $\L$. The proof of the weighted hypocoercivity employs the high-low velocities estimates argument. Finally, these decay estimates are further applied to derive some new point-wise estimates for the Hilbert expansion terms of the Boltzmann equation in the compressible Euler scaling.


江宁,教授,博士生导师。长期从事Boltzmann方程及其流体极限,液晶方程和生物数学中的方程研究。已在CPAM, Annals of PDEs, JFA, JMPA, CPDE, ARMA等国际一流杂志发表40余篇文章。
